Monday, February 26, 2007

It's going very well, thanks for asking. Forgive me, I've had a couple more vodkas than I probably should have - on a school night and all - but the planning of the book has come along in leaps and bounds. It's all there, it's just a case of incorporating what I've already written around my new framework. Written about 1000 words tonight but had to delete around 600 which are now obsolete. Current work count of just over 46,000. Still a long way to go but feel happy it's all fitting into place. I'm actually starting from the back and piecing it together as i work my way forward but I was just toooo keen to get another twist in at the end.
Only just realised this is the first book I've written in the third person and although it supposedly gives you more freedom, I actually find it harder to write. Slightly concerned with the amount of dialogue currently in the story but that's something i can address later.
PS Saw HOT FUZZ at the weekend. 6/10.


  1. only people who have no patience start from the end and work back!!! Hope we are going to get to see some of the new stuff soon, I have two books left before i need to go to the book shop again so get a move on MR (no pressure of anything)!!! Anyway hope your cooking something nice on sat in your swanky new kitchen!

  2. No, I don't have any patience and yes hopefully there will be some new stuff soon.
    As for cooking, last time I cooked I was told it was the best soup they had ever tasted although they didn't actually finish it and had had quite a bit to drink. (Some of my homemade Cuban Missile Crisis cocktails no-less.) So yes, with the swanky new kitchen and swanky new Global knives (the highest quality Japanese steel for anyone who is interested) anyone coming to dinner should be in for a culinary treat.
    Maybe I should write a cook book
