Monday, July 09, 2007

PS Should any of you wish to make an official complaint as to why the book release date is dragging on, please direct your wrath at Milton Stilton and Dave (of the big, evil variety).

They said it would never happen, he vowed never to return, but in August, Connor (sorry, I mean me. I often get the two confused) will be returning to India. This time, I'm off to the South, starting in Mumbai.
With respect to the previous entry, I plan to get "Digging Deeper" to the printers before I leave so that the limited edition copies will be available on my return. The idea will to be make them available for pre-order on the website whilst I'm away.
For those of you who have read Worlds Apart, you'll be pleased to know that the trip will involve some very long stints on Indian trains. Completion of the Connor trilogy to come?

Before we go any further, I apologise for lack of updates and news on the latest book release. I can report I'm not merely spending my time watching rugby, doing the garden, going to concerts and playing on the xbox (honest). With certain events - which will be revealed later - Digging Deeper is now set to be available in early September. For the lucky couple of people who keep up to date with the website, I'm proposing to make limited edition copies available for pre-order on the website in August, so keep your eyes peeled.

As for Genesis, they were superb, although the audience was mainly made up of men my Dad's age wearing sensible shoes with faux leather jackets slung over their shoulders (some even wore dark shades). Next stop, Prince at the O2 arena (millenium dome) in August.