Following on from the success of the 3 Peaks Challenge last year, I've started to think about another challenge for the end of May. Not wanting to do any bloody hill climbing, and having finally picked up my bike from Mum's house in Dorset ... and the fact National Cycle route 7 runs through our village, I'm tempted by a cycling challenge.
I'm struggling to know where to pitch it though. Aim for 10 - 20 miles (as many people who know me and my fitness levels seem to be suggesting) and it's hardly a challenge to rank up there with the 3 peaks. Aim for 100km on the other hand and I might kill myself.
Having cycled EVERYWHERE in my teens (well, probably until I was 17 and got a car to be fair) I have this notion in my head (a bit like I did with the 3PC) that I'm much fitter than I actually am. I decided to cast doubt on the doubters and go out for a little jaunt up the cycle path one night after work last week, before it got dark. 4 miles later I was out of breath and back home. In my defence, only 2 of the 18 gears worked, the back brake was goosed, one of the pedals broken and the chain fell off twice. In my bike's defense it's my old school bike and hasn't been ridden for the best part of 20 years. Safe to say both me and the bike were knackered.
Anyway, hence the picture (above). I took my bike to Wheelcraft in Campsie Glen on Saturday and asked them to give it an overhaul, and tonight ladies and gentlefolk, I have it back ... it tip top condition (from what I can tell from the 2 mins I cycled around the car-park in the dark to check that everything worked).
Whilst waiting to have it fixed I have also visited the local Lidl (purveyor of all top quality biking merchandise) and although being £71 worse off, I now have a crash helmet, cycle shorts, 2 cycle tops, a rain jacket, gloves, a mileometer, 2 sets of lights, a mini pump, and a toolkit.
There are now 2 months to go and other than 4 miles up and back on a cycle track and 2 mins around the car-park, I haven't been on a bike since 1991. John, my co-climber last year, thinks we should be aiming for 30-40km for a good challenge. I'm still keen on the 100km but then I always was a bit of a prat. Any suggestions or anyone wishing to join in, bring it on!
I'll keep you posted on any developments.
As for writing ... work has been really busy so I'm still labouring with the planning.
The Edinboro 48 hour film challenge is on at the end of May as well ... so look out for that too!
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