It's was a bit of a change in direction from Gemma whose official stance on "cake" at the start of the organisational process was (try and imagine it in the voice of ... well, someone with a deep moany voice) "I can't get very excited about white icing".
BLAM! Then we met Karen (although I have to take the credit for spotting her buns first) and white icing suddenly became a thing of the past. Who knew you could tell the story of your courtship through the medium of sponge? I certainly didn't but there we were ... scuba diving in Turkey, being chased by giant leeches in India and me doing the house up whilst Gemma did her masters. Brilliant.
May I therefore suggest, for a cake for any occasion, you visit http://www.sucrecoeur.co.uk/ ask for Karen and I can guarantee you will seduced by icing!
OMG! This cake is fantastic! Maybe I should move over the ocean to your side of the world just so I can adore such a cake!! Marvelous!