Not one for celebrity nonsense, you have to give credit where it's due.
Enter ... Barry Norman's pickled onions, recommended to be by my Mum. I was sceptical, until I tried one. Bloody lovely, a recipe that has been in the Norman household for generations and it was only when a mate of Barry's popped round for tea (and an onion, like you do) and told him they were so good he ought to sell them that Barry cashed in. You can picture it now, Barry with a napkin tucked in his collar as he has one of his onions, vinegar dribbling down his chin, maybe a scotch egg chaser, when his mate pipes up, "F**KING HELL BAZZA! These onions are the dog's b*ll*cks. You ought to sell them me ol' son." I'm sure that's exactly how the conversation went.
Anyway, I like them so much I've eaten a jar already ... and been down to the local co-op to buy some more onions to dunk in Barry's vinegar. Nic nac noo!
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