Thought a few of you might be interested to find out about Word Power Books (http://www.word-power.co.uk/), an independent bookshop opened formally by Booker Prize-Winner James Kelman on 1 December 1994.
Instead of me waffling on, I'll let them do the talking ...
"Our world-wide online service is an alternative to corporate bookshops that refuse to allow their workers to join trade unions. Unlike Amazon, recipient of £1.6 million taxpayers' money from the Scottish Executive (The Bookseller, 28 May 2004), we receive no state funding.
While our site offers you access to all books in print in the UK we remain committed to promoting literature outwith the mainstream thereby making it more accessible and helping to support small presses and new writers. We also provide Platform, a regular column for groups, campaigns or individuals to post articles and foster debate, and a Noticeboard where you can post information and details of events."
I think my previous blogs have made my views fairly clear on the subject of corporate bookshops. I don't think I need to add any more, suffice to say if you're going to buy a book, check out http://www.word-power.co.uk/
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