I would like to thank Mel who went into her local Waterstone's to try and buy a copy of 12 Months (which is listed on Waterstone's in-store system and website) only to be told that there was something "abnormal" with the publisher (that's me that is! How very dare they). The upshot of this is that Waterstone's - despite having the name and contact details of the publisher (ME!), my website address and having me listed on their system - were unable to get Mel a copy of 12 Months because it is not possible to obtain a copy through their supplier. (Not that I'm moaning about obstacles in my way again you understand). However, another friend of mine called Claire pointed out to me that Borders (in Glasgow at least) have an "independent author section". I rang the branch and asked how an idiot like me might take advantage of this. They are currently not taking on any more stock due to an impending stock-take but may be interested in October. In the meantime, I have taken the opportunity to pen a little email to Borders head office in London. It goes a little something like this ...
Hi. I am a self-published author with 3 books to my name which are all listed on websites such as Amazon, Watersone's, WHSmiths etc. The problem I have is getting them into the High Street. I used to have a good relationship with Ottackers who stocked my books in various stores on a sale or return basis which worked very well until Waterstone's got involved and now there is no policy/facility to stock books written by local/independent authors. I was able to stock my 1st book through Borders in Bournemouth who were local to me at the time. My question is ... is it possible for me to sell my books through Borders and if so, how do I do it? Is is a central thing through yourselves (which is where I have the problem with Waterstone's because everything has to come through Gardeners/Bertrums who aren't interested in small fry like me) or can I trudge from store to store in the hope that some of your stores may take pity on me and try a few of my books? I'd be grateful if you could let me know.
Lee Crompton
Lee Crompton
I'll keep you posted.
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