I suffer from acid reflex which is a result of my hiatus hernia. A lot of people apparently suffer from this and taking a tablet every day solves the problem. However, being the stubborn git that I am, at 33, I'm not prepared to have to take medication for the rest of my life just yet. I therefore altered my diet to help myself. I now maybe have to take one a week. Giving up the fags last Sept was beneficial but caffeine still gives me a lot of jip. This in turn makes people at work think I'm gay (for wanting decaf coffee or herbal teas). I've also struggled to find a substitute for my favourite all time drink, Vodka Redbull (which I was possibly the first person in Dorset to discover when it was only sold in a few exclusive London clubs, what now seems like 25 years ago).
But, dear friends, I know may well have the answer ... FRIJJ CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE MILK. The idea came from a holiday in Spain many years ago when I used to drink La Mumbas which were basically Rum and chocolate milkshakes. "Why not add vodka to chocolate fudge brownie milk" I thought. Chocolate & milk? Might sound gross but I defy you to like it. Give it a go. Yum!
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