Sunday, August 05, 2007

You'd have thought Connor had learnt from his last expedition to India, but clearly not ... having just spent nearly £100 in Boots on just about everything the store had to offer ... including about 18 litres of hair frizz reducer for Gemma (the days of me needing it are long gone).

We fly out a week today. May the force be with us!

That's it then. The final version of Digging Deeper is finished and away to the printers. They are due to be printed whilst I'm away in India and will be on sale in September.

However, for those of you who check the website and keep up to date, I'm making limited edition copies available for pre-order at £1 off the RRP ... and chucking in P&P for free. It's just a small way of saying thanks to those people who have supported me in the past and keep tabs on what I'm up to.

To pre-order a copy, go to

Prince is less than a week away. I repeat, Prince is less than a week away. Knowing I'm seeing him next Saturday at the o2 arena has meant I've managed to recapture the childlike excitement of Christmas.

I was frenzied with anticipation anyway but then Gemma emailed me some of the reviews from the shows so far and I nearly wet my pants.

What's more, I'm having to sell 2 of my tickets on Ebay because Matt and his Mrs can't make it. Terrible shame really because my first visit to see the purple one was with Matt some 17 years ago. So there I was, looking at the o2 website to suss the arena layout so I could include it within my description, and suddenly, the words "AFTER SHOW PARTY" leapt out at me. Long story short, I've managed to get tickets. Doors open at 11.30pm after the gig and it shuts at 4am. The excitement dial has just gone off the radar.

I suffer from acid reflex which is a result of my hiatus hernia. A lot of people apparently suffer from this and taking a tablet every day solves the problem. However, being the stubborn git that I am, at 33, I'm not prepared to have to take medication for the rest of my life just yet. I therefore altered my diet to help myself. I now maybe have to take one a week. Giving up the fags last Sept was beneficial but caffeine still gives me a lot of jip. This in turn makes people at work think I'm gay (for wanting decaf coffee or herbal teas). I've also struggled to find a substitute for my favourite all time drink, Vodka Redbull (which I was possibly the first person in Dorset to discover when it was only sold in a few exclusive London clubs, what now seems like 25 years ago).
But, dear friends, I know may well have the answer ... FRIJJ CHOCOLATE FUDGE BROWNIE MILK. The idea came from a holiday in Spain many years ago when I used to drink La Mumbas which were basically Rum and chocolate milkshakes. "Why not add vodka to chocolate fudge brownie milk" I thought. Chocolate & milk? Might sound gross but I defy you to like it. Give it a go. Yum!