Ahh yes, school days are the happiest days of your life ... it's just you don't realise it at the time which is why I'm going back to my old school in Lytchett Minster in Poole to remind myself of those heady days of youth.
While I'm there I'll be completing various writing workshops for 4 different classes before treating myself to a good old fashioned school dinner although I'm sure now Mr Oliver has got involved I'll probably only be able to get asparagus in a Ryvita sandwich.
I'm really looking forward to going back and working with the kids ... and hopefully everyone will have forgotten I was suspended in the 6th Form - which incidently did my golf handicap the world of good. It was 15 years ago for heavens sake, let it go, move on!
Thought anymore about the naked publicity stunt in a local student union?