In association with Poole libraries & Waterstone's , I've kindly been invited to give a talk on the 'Joys of Getting Published' as part of the Poole Readers & Writers Week. My bit takes place on Saturday 28th October at 2pm at Poole central library and tickets are available at the desk or by phone (01202 262421). Don't let the £2 entrance fee put you off. As well as getting to hear me waffle on, it also includes refreshments. My mum will be so proud!
I'm still not sure about whether to go all creative and arty-farty and describe the 'joy' of finally seeing my work in print or be my usual sarcastic, cynical self and moan on about all the pit-falls and barriers I've encountered along the way. It's a tough one!
Lee, good to see you at Poole Library and down the pub today. Your talk was very interesting and well delivered and it was good catching up with you after so many years. Keep it up :)