Aaaah, gorra b jaysus, that's me back from a Bank Holiday weekend in the Emerald Isle. Very nice to get away although the majority of the city was shut on Good Friday. Thank heavens for the hotel bar.
I'm planning to get straight back on the editing now although I'm slightly concerned having read some 'proper' books of late and wondering if I can cut the mustard. The story flies along at 100 mph at the moment and although - in my humble opinion - it's a page turner, does it have enough description to allow the reader to actually give a monkey's about the characters? Add my previous concern with regards to the level of dialogue ... and I have a bit to work on, but I am really pleased with the storyline.
On another note, I don't know if I've mentioned it before (I don't think I have) but someone was telling me the other day that they're doing (or at least filming) some reality show involving authors. The basic concept I think is for self-published monkeys to stand up, knees knocking in front of a panel of judges, and read extracts from their work. Would I ever enter I hear you cry?
No chance!
1) I find it difficult to read to an audience.
2) Imagine the humiliation of hearing your work's a pile of pony only fit for the recycle bin ... and then it being aired on telly so that everyone else knew you were a loser.
I can see it know, me with goofy teeth and a lisp, forearms across my face in the form of a cross. "I'th got thhe xth thactor" just before we cut to a scene of me in tears, crying/hugging Ms Deeley or Dermot O'Leary (I imagine it would be one of them presenting it, both of whom lack the bosom to cry into following such a traumatic ordeal. Maybe some boffin type like the Vorderman would be more appropriate, a heftier bosom if nothing else) after having my book, yes MY BOOK, cut to ribbons.
Not sure how it's going to work. I can hardly see the contenders walking out onto the stage to some hip-hop beat, bright lights and a frenzied audience, with banners and all ... there's an expectant hush ... before some geeky bloke with glasses produces a book and proceeds to read some poetry???
All the best to all those brave enough to have a go though eh? Don't let a self-critical wuss with no confidence eager to cling onto whatever pride he has left like me put you off ... I'll still probably be sad enough to watch it, especially if they shoot anyone not up to the grade. A programme that kills and maims any of my potential competition gets the thumbs up from me.