I've just typed a load of updates only for the chuffing thing to crash on me, so I'm afraid you're going to have to have the shortened version.
1) My first official ad campaign has commenced. Having become addicted to urbandead.com over the last few months, I found out today you can advertise with them ... so I have.
2) The cashpoints, bus shelters and telephone boxes of Falkirk are awash with free books after a flurry of releases by yours truly this morning through BOOKCROSSING.COM
3) I'm pleased, following my entry earlier this week, that Liverpool managed to scrape through in the Champions League meaning I didn't need to delete my hard work. Even better, Celtic went out which meant I recouped the £100 bet I lost in the summer on a double or quits. PSV in the next round ... I mean Liverpool of course, not Celtic
4) After 6 months off the smokes, the craving have hit back with avengance. I've not caved though, yet.
5) Ewan McGregor becomes the first A lister to decline, very graciously, to review my book. Something to do with agents dictating what he can and can't endorse. I can't blame these celebs to be honest. They must get asked to get stupid things all the time, open crappy fairs and fetes, read crappy books etc etc
That'll be it for now. Trying and failing to put out my radio interview (yes the one I did two years ago) as a Podcast. Bit too technical for me. Hope to get back the the writing tomorrow.