Ho ho ho and a meeeeerrry Christmas to anyone who's still reading. Apologies for the lack of 'news' but my attentions have been drawn away from the thriller. Things are due to be back on track in the New Year though with the finishing touches due to take place early in 2007. I've had a thunk about cover designs too. Enrique's good but haven't heard from him for a while and you have to order covers about 12 months in advance. He's not the best at keeping to dealines. The main thing was that I really wanted him to do Worlds Apart, seeing as how we met travelling.
My other pressing matters will be - on the basis that my previous publisher has ceased trading and the printers gone bankrupt - will be sourcing a new way to get an ISBN and a new printers. My cousin is currently on the case and hopefully we'll find somewhere soon.
I'm also pleased to say that I received a Christmas card from Ken Fagg. Ken was one of the guys who turned up to my 'talk' in Poole back in October. He informs me that a group of 5 of them, who all met at the talk, now hold monthly meetings to discuss and swap ideas about writing and how to get printed/published. Seeing as how I'm back to square 1, I might pop along myself next month and see if they have any tips for me.
MERRY CHRISTMAS ... and thanks for reading!